Sunday, January 14, 2007

Oxymorons that describe Mankind

Demonic mystic
Inconclusively decisive
Miserly generous
Religious atheist
Spiritually agnostic
Destructively creative
Satanic Deity
Divisively united
Seething calm
Silent din
Fundamentally baseless
Childish Adult
Veracious hypocrite
Pompously modest
Living dead


crystalmermaid said...

good one! how do u manage to do it? describe mankind so well? i was speechless for a moment after i read it.

Anil Singhal said...

gr8 oxymorons on mankind. but didn't get the poem feeling. One possibility I see is reordering the lines, so that it could have rhymed..

mystic:angostic, baseless: generous, modest:atheist..etc

Yogesh Bagmar said...

Good ones!!!

Alok said...

Interesting, divisively United, Religious true today.

Heman - What a name! I know, but let it be said...

Understandably Confused...

Anonymous said...

Not convinced that these are oxymorons - to me they look like paired up antonyms that are not really usable :) except for fundamentally baseless.

- Poorvi

Anonymous said...

insipid creativity
confused clarity
static truth
wavering strength
noisy calm
us them....