Thursday, June 07, 2012

Life in a moment

I gazed at the crimson sky.
The sky kissed the sea at the horizon.
The sea carried a ship in the distance.
The ship blew smoke in the air.
The air cushioned birds’ flight.
The birds chirped out of their nests.
The nests were perched on the branches.
The branches had swings fastened on them.
The swings entertained the kids.
The kids made sand castles.
Sand was dug by turtles.
Turtles were fed by people.
People were watched over by coastguards.
The coastguards observed the vista.
The vista had the morning sun.
The sun made the sky crimson.
The sky filled me with its vastness.
I saw the mosaic of life
unfold in a moment.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Divine plan unfolds

Silence or no silence, 
mind or no mind, 
ego or no ego, 
acceptance or resistance,
the divine plan unfolds 
through all.