Saturday, March 19, 2011

Towards a new education system

Our current education system is fact rather than value based. However, even here, we have not done a great job at 'honestly' sticking to facts, for they are manipulated by various agenda. History is written by the victor instead of being a joint exercise involving all the parties. To transition the education to value based, I list below some concepts that can be taught to our kids.

These are listed in the book 'Conversations with God.' The purpose of sharing it here is to create an awareness of the new thought process and to expand the list. Someone may need it someday. Atleast the young parents can start teaching their kids some of these values.

I request all the readers to add their own thoughts to it.
  1. Understanding Power
  2. Peaceful Conflict Resolution 
  3. Elements of Loving Relationships
  4. Personhood and Self Creation 
  5. Body, Mind and Spirit: How They Function
  6. Engaging Creativity
  7. Celebrating Self, Valuing Others 
  8. Joyous Sexual Expression
  9. Fairness
  10. Tolerance
  11. Diversities and Similarities
  12. Ethical Economics
  13. Creative Consciousness and Mind Power
  14. Awareness and Wakefulness
  15. Honesty and Responsibility
  16. Visibility and Transparency
  17. Science and Spirituality
We may argue that most of these are taught in Moral Science. But the idea is not to have a couple of units in a year long course. The idea is to have these as year long courses from the very childhood. 

Here then is my list:
  1. Valuing team work 
  2. Learning to let-go 
  3. Winning is not everything 
  4. The art of sharing 
  5. The science of abundance 
  6. Redefining success and failure 
  7. Life is beautiful 
  8. Forgiveness 
  9. The art of acceptance 
Looking forward to your inputs. 


Nipa said...

Excellent Kammo - this topic is so very close to my heart being a parent.
You captured these principles in so simple words! Completely agree,
would add though that its not just the education system, its a greater
responsibility of parents and the society.

I was fortunate enough to understand the importance of this values when my son started going to a wonderful school in Pune - Victorious Kidss when he was a few months old. I remember I read the 7 principles by Deepak Chopra at that time and attended some workshops too.

Our education system and we in fact imperfect the perfect kids. One of the ways to achieve this is emphasize on Reading at a young age. And through simple stories/examples the kids learn this concepts. Reading should be really a subject in schools and encouraged at home.

I can just go on an on....

Hey, by the way have you attempted writing for young kids, do write something :)

Fanaah said...

Nice thought process - somewhere Id include ego/self pride and the fine line between them.
The beauty of rebellion - and the art of questioning why.

Priyanka G said...

Lovely thought !! Worth Appreciating !! We always wish these values to be a part of our kids upbringing but really make no efforts for it !!

Seema said...

The following practices can also be taugh to children

- practicing gratitude
-positive self talk
-respecting self
-enjoying solitude
-compassion and respecting the lesser privileged

Thanks for sharing...