Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Space and time

Stars seem smaller than the moon,
while my finger can hide the sun.

Earth to me looks flatter than it is;
my breath is louder than outer noise.

The sky is small enough to fit my eye,
while my hands easily enclose the sea.

Yesterday affects me the most,
while yesteryear is a sketchy haze.

The imminent stimulates the most,
distant future is an unsolved maze.

Closeness breeds relative disproportion,
while distance puts things in perspective.

The whole game is played on space and time.
The closer you get, the bigger the illusion.


Sumit said...

Good one.. Keep coming

Sunil Bhavsar said...

Good one Kamlesh. It is really nice.

Anish said...

Good one Kamlesh.. Following lines are timely reminder for me ... :)

Closeness breeds relative disproportion,
while distance puts things in perspective.

Govind said...

Excellent Brother..

Keep it up....

Prameela said...

Hey good one Kamlesh

Jessica said...

The poem is nice and the space use about it sound so "you" ...I like it

Suraj Sadeesh said...

Hey kamlesh,

Really enjoyed it .....Good one ! :)

Ganesha said...

Good one and what an insight.

One does the mistake again & again of getting identified with a lifetime and cant understand that its only a play in one continuous big dream. Need a Guru to wake up to higher reality and look at the glorious picture.

Kanika said...

Good one!